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PC Press has awarded a special prize to the portal in the category of Sports and Tourism for the year 2023.

The portal is the recipient of the prestigious Top50 award organized by PC Press in Belgrade.

Belgrade, February 6, 2024 – Since 1997, the magazine and portal “PC PRESS” has traditionally awarded annual recognitions to the 50 best websites, social media pages, and apps in Serbia. At the ceremony held in the National Museum in Belgrade, the “Top50 Award” was received by Olivera Jovićević, director of the marketing agency “First Media Group,” which owns the portal

“I thank the organizers and the esteemed jury for recognizing ‘Putovanja i Turizam’ as a portal that is both functional and informative. Thank you for allowing us to be in such great company,” stated Olivera Jovićević upon receiving the award. The winners were nominated in over 10 categories, including special award categories. Among the winners were the portal in the category of News and Media, in the category of Home and Family, dedicated to people with developmental disabilities, and in the category of Social Media, Instagram winner was Ana Mihajlovski, while the Audience Award went to the Facebook page Eko Straža. You can see the full list of winners HERE.

The website strives to offer its visitors, readers, and followers fresh and useful information from the world of tourism, travel, gastronomy, sports, and culture, thus becoming a part of the daily life of those who follow it.

Other award recipients in the category of Sports and Tourism include Bookaweb, a website that is easiest to describe as a for Serbia and the region,, a site dedicated to FK “Partizan” fans, and – a service for securing appointments in gyms and other sports facilities.

“When the PC Press portal was being established, there were about 1,000 websites available. The quality of those websites varied so much that PC Press awarded itself the first Top50 prize. Today, in our country, there are more than 140,000 websites with a local domain alone. To that, we must add three times more sites with international domains and over half a million social media pages,” stated Vesna Čarknajev, director of PC Press, during the opening of the award ceremony.

The primary criteria considered by the PC Press jury when awarding the recognition, and by which the portal stands out, include functionality, up-to-date content, quality content, and design.